Descrição de Vaga

Código: 12425
Título da vaga: Change Manager
Local: São Paulo,São Paulo
Região: Outra
Tipo de emprego: PJ
Nível Profissional:
NÍvel Acadêmico: Ensino Superior Completo
Habilidades: Necessário Inglês,
- PROSCI Change management certification or similar desired Experience with large-scale organizational change efforts
• Apply a structured methodology and lead change management activities
Leverage a change management methodology, process and tools to create a strategy to support adoption of the changes required by a project or initiative.
• Support communication efforts
Enable the design, development, delivery and management of key communications.
• Assess the change impact
Conduct impact analyses, assess change readiness, and identify key stakeholders.
• Support training efforts
Provide input, document requirements, and support the design and delivery of training programs.
Additional responsibilities:
• Complete change management assessments
• Identify, analyze and prepare risk mitigation tactics
• Identify and manage anticipated and persistent resistance
• Create actionable deliverables for the core change management plans: Sponsor Plan, People Manager Plan, Communications Plan, and Training Plan
• Support and engage senior leaders
• Integrate change management activities into the project plan
• Evaluate and ensure user readiness
• Manage stakeholders
• Track and report issues
• Define and measure success metrics and monitor change progress
• Support change management at the organizational level
• Manage the change portfolio
Remuneração Básica: -   - 
Benefícios: 0
Resumo da Vaga: - PROSCI Change management certification or similar desired Experience with large-scale organizational change efforts
• Apply a structured methodology and lead change management activities
Leverage a change management methodology, process and tools to create a strategy to support adoption of the changes required by a project or initiative.
• Support communication efforts
Enable the design, development, delivery and management of key communications.
• Assess the change impact
Conduct impact analyses, assess change readiness, and identify key stakeholders.
• Support training efforts
Provide input, document requirements, and support the design and delivery of training programs.
Additional responsibilities:
• Complete change management assessments
• Identify, analyze and prepare risk mitigation tactics
• Identify and manage anticipated and persistent resistance
• Create actionable deliverables for the core change management plans: Sponsor Plan, People Manager Plan, Communications Plan, and Training Plan
• Support and engage senior leaders
• Integrate change management activities into the project plan
• Evaluate and ensure user readiness
• Manage stakeholders
• Track and report issues
• Define and measure success metrics and monitor change progress
• Support change management at the organizational level
• Manage the change portfolio

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