Descrição de Vaga

Código: 12406
Título da vaga: SFDC Sales, Service and Manufacturing
Local: São Paulo,São Paulo
Região: Outra
Tipo de emprego: Efetivo
Nível Profissional:
NÍvel Acadêmico: Ensino Superior Completo
Habilidades: Necessário Inglês,

Profissional que tenha conhecimento na área de atuação de Manufatura/Mining e Extração de Minérios, pode ser um grande diferencial.
Remuneração Básica: -   - 
Benefícios: 0
Resumo da Vaga: • 6+ year of experience in Salesforce experience with LWC, Apex, Flows and Integration(Rest/SOAP)
• Strong Understanding of salesforce platforms and should have prior experience on Sales, Service, Experience Cloud and Manufacturing cloud implementations.
• Possess knowledge on OOTB functionalities on Sales, Service, Manufacturing and Experience cloud.
• Experience on CI/CD and deployments through any tools(Ex- Copado, Flossum, etc)
• Strong Understanding on Salesforce Best Practices and Design Patterns.
• Strong understanding on Security standards, Profiles, Sharing and Visibility, Roles and OWD.
• Good Understanding on RDBMS, Bulk Dataloads and API
• Experience in building Integration process(API, Webservice, Middleware) to integrate 3rd party apps.
• Strong knowledge of ITIL process and problem-solving abilities to lead production incidents.
• Experience in Agile Methodologies.
• Strong analytical, problem solving, leadership, interpersonal, and good communication skills.
• SF PDII and Copado certification is preferred.
• DocuSign experience is an addon.

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